should we feel guilty about tying to help a friend stop smoking?


May 22, 2008
our flatmate has tried everything to stop smoking.
last weekend she came up with this idea after watching a soap, she wanted us to lock her in her bedroom for the entire weekend so she couldn"t smoke my other flatmate and i were not keen on the idea but went along with it anyway, after 5 hours or so of being locked up she started banging and screaming to be let out, so we gave in and let her out.
a week later she wanted to try the same thing again, this time she put a camping loo in her room she made 2 days of sandwiches and soft drinks etc, then she told us not to let her out of her bedroom under any circumstances,she made us promise NOT TO UNLOCK HER BEDROOM DOOR as she was so keen not to smoke again, once again we didn"t like the idea as this meant one of us would have to stay in the flat for safety reasons, fire etc, after about 8 hours she pleaded to be let out this time we left her locked in, the next day she started banging and shouting to be let out , so we ignored her this went on for 2 days, we finally unlocked her door on monday morning at 7am so she could go to work.
all she"s done since is moan about how cruel and horrible my friend and i are for keeping her locked away in her room for the whole weekend, we told her it wasn"t our idea but hers but she just keeps going on about it , what do you think did we do the right thing ? or should we have let her out when she asked ? ps she hasn"t smoked since so her idea seems to have worked
guilt is a man-made emotion. it doesn't help anything to have it, so it's best to let it go! ask your friend for forgiveness, even if you aren't sorry, and do your best to forget about the whole thing and move on, start over!
Nope you shouldn't, they will see soon enough that it was for their own good.
Well, I agree it wasn't the best idea in the world.....but it helped her quit smoking, so I don't understand why she's complaining.
guilt is a man-made emotion. it doesn't help anything to have it, so it's best to let it go! ask your friend for forgiveness, even if you aren't sorry, and do your best to forget about the whole thing and move on, start over!
Yes and no
You shouldnt lock someone in a room. There is many dangers and if she is pleading to let her out et them out and
(also you need to get help if shes underage) and if ANYTHING happened to her
her rents could sue u and you could be arrested for murder
and if she was smocking take her to a thereapist and counceling