Should Sarah Palin reimburse the people who donated to her book tour because...

That money went to the PAC so it will be still used for politics, so no. And I am yet to hear of a single individual wanting a return of the money. I am sure if there was MSNBC would headline it for a month.
the last report that i heard is that after she announced that she would not run for president,her tea party supporters were so mad that they lashed out at her over twitter and she had a nervous break down and was heard screaming that she is the president as they took her to the hospital for what they are reporting in Alaska as a severe nervous break down,and that they still have her under medication for what is being reported as a state of delusion and friend lives in Alaska,and has been calling me about her flipping out.
wait a second you are asking if someone should get a refund for buying a book?
no way ..
They were stupid enough to believe she was going to run, it's their own fault. Plus if you buy the book, you get what you pay for.