Should I trade Xbox 360 for Wii?


New member
Jul 20, 2011
I have an Xbox 360 and a PS3. And I kinda have been wanting a Nintendo Wii, and I found a guy on Craigslist who will trade his Wii and a couple games for my 360 and a couple games. And I don't feel like I'll be losing much considering 360 and PS3 have similar libraries. I also am a HUGE fan of the Legend of Zelda series. Is this a good idea?
HECK NO DUDE! Wii has a lot of games but all of there graphics are cartoon-y and unrealistic, the only reason you should is for the fitness games, or the party / family games, other than that if you really want motion gaming with Blu-Ray realistic graphics get a PlayStation move camera, controller, and navigation controller (nav. controller = optional) it has a list of fun games that you should really check out, like sports champions (which comes with the bundle) the shoot, and sack boy's prehistoric moves, plus many more, so NO do not EVER get a Wii (unless the get games with actual blood, gore, and realistic graphics.
Since you have a ps3 it doesn't really matter
Now you won't have to pay for online if you were.
But I agree with the other person ask for some extra money because the wii has a price difference from the xbox
why would you trade the 360 if its the arcade or the pro or elite then yes but if its the 360 slim trade in your ps3 youl get more money off it since it does cost more
Depending on what comes with the systems, it would be a good deal.

wii's sell 100$ used, and 360's what 140-160? So while xbox is worth more, it would all fall down to what comes with it (accessories and games) that would make or break the deal.
No no no noo noooo youll play wii for maybe a month mine just sitts downstairs..buttt on the other hand zelda was really tight on it by far the best game butt after you play it beat it youll be done with wii i assure you
..It's not worth it at all. The Wii is a lot cheaper than 360. That deal doesn't make any sense, except if you're getting A LOT of Wii games out of it. Seriously, you can get a Wii + games for less than $100. I spent a minute on and already found a Wii + 6 games for 100 AUD (and Australian prices are higher.)

e: And please don't bash the Wii, he's asking specifically about that deal >_>
(And since you're a huge Zelda fan, Twilight Princess + Skyward Sword (coming soon) = bliss)
I have both, so let me say this: while Wii has some good classic nintendo-brand names like mario and zelda, those games are easily beaten. you'll no life it for a week and love it, then you'll want to go back onto xbox live where you can talk to people and play games that don't just end. Your choice though.
Honestly your getting a terrible deal here depending if you have th old xbox or new one. If old then depends on you hard drive capacity. Wii yeah you'll like the classic games like Zelda but you can play those online. If i was you, find the trade in value first at game-stop and comparison on ebay. My friend sold his Wii for 100$ and your xbox maybe about 150-200$, But if you take his deal see if you can get 25-50$ from him and everything else. Because if it is the old xbox you could get RROD at anytime and Wii is okay i guess but you'll get bored eventually staring at low graphic replaying same game over and over. Xbox at least the graphics are decent and online play is much better, and if you sell your Xbox you just let all your online friends down D: