Should I smoke weed or not?


New member
Nov 30, 2011
Well see I have these urges to want to smoke some weed. Idk why I just do. I'll admit, most of it is from peer pressure. I'm also 15 and have honors chemistry, english, and algebra 2. I mostly wanna smoke it with my girl cuz we have a lot of common, but I just wanna smoke with her ya know? Share the memories lol. What should I do? Will it affect me if I smoke it once a month or week? And is it worth it?
Dude, don't do it. You dont want to be the stoner couple or even just a stoner. If you never do it, you will never miss it. Most people who are on drugs wish they could quit.
Of course it will affect you, that's why people smoke it. It's not worth it, you will fall into the wrong crowd and their whole social life is based on getting high. It's like people who can't socialize without getting drunk.
Live above the influence. Hang out with people that don't use drugs. We get influenced by people we chose to hang out with, hang out with different people. Join a club or something.
It's illegal. The trouble should you get caught, may not be worth it. But as far as that goes, just don't get caught! Haha.

Weed isn't bad. It's all natural. Honestly there's no reason for it to be illegal. I would say go for it, if you're doing it for the right reasons. Don't smoke to fit in or come off as 'cool'. Don't do it to escape reality. Do it because you enjoy it and genuinely want to do it.

Smoking once a week or once a month will NOT hurt you. I used to smoke once a week and for me, that was just my relax day. It becomes a problem when you start smoking daily and blowing every dollar you earn on it.

And the above poster is right, about how it's sometimes a gateway drug. Sometimes people smoke it, get curious about other substances, and try those. Just remember that weed has no ill-effects, nor do shrooms (when taken within reason). But others like LSD, Molly, PCP etc, do. Those are chemically made and will fuck up your brain.
I was just like you. But I wanted too smoke it with my beau. I tried it once and it wS no biggy. 6 months later I was stealing to buy a dime bag of bud and had been kicked out of school. Btw my beau dumped me. Was it worth it......heck no! It caused me to gain weight, my grades dropped. Find something else to build memories.
Yes, weed is good but doing it to much is bad, and the fact its illegal. You shouldnt do it BECAUSE the fact its illegal, im 15 to. ive done weed, but i hated it, not worth getting arrested.

^^^ When i said "its good" is cause people i know love it. i personally dont think its worth all the money
it is against the law to smoke weed. I wouldnt post questions like pretty sure it is against our community guidlines.
Nah. Don't do it. Weed isn't necessarily bad but once you try something like that you get curious to try more things- especially if you have an addictive personality and the substance itself is addictive.