Should I meet up with him?


Active member
May 11, 2008
Hi Guys.
SO theres this guy that Iv been chatting to a few times.
He told me I was attractive and that if I was ever out where he is to drop him a line.Then a few days later he started chatting to me again and he said he would like to get to know me... So he was chatting away and I always get the impression men only want one thing (sex) so I put him straight and told him that he had another thing coming if he thought I was going to jump into bed with him. he replyed wow now i really want to get to know you better even more. I told him I was seeing someone (its nothing serious just meeting here and there) and he was like we could keep it on the QT that we could get to know each other and take it from there.
What do you think he wants ?like take it from there , what does he mean ?
All advice appreciated . And Im not a child im in my 20's .Do you think he only wants sex?
hes 30 , no kids and single
First you have to realize that not every guy just wants sex all the time. That's kind of ignorant. ANYWAY, this dude seems like he just wants an actual girl friend. He obviously WANTS to get to know you. Give him a shot.
that is the same thing i think about guys. Probably give it a chance , he seems old enough to be mature. who know just take a chance. be safe! you dont know if hes a serial killer lol. no seriously
give yourself some worth and let him work for it. don't be so easy or available to talk when he wants to. let him chase you. dont ever ever ever.. mention sex first unless you are willing to be labeled as an easy whore
Ehhhh i am not into the whole meeting thing if you don't actually know him, it isn't safe to go alone and i am not trying to sound redic but its the truth and sometimes you happen to fall in love with someone you dont even know over the computer just because they sound so perfect, and i am not saying they cant be that perfect guy but you always want to be safe (of course)

personally i think he might like you in a way because he clearly wasn't into the whole you jumping into bed right away type deal which is amazing for you! and i am glad you told him stright up! because dont let any guy ever do that to you- your not a toy, your a human!

i think if you both do meet up, (hopefully things work out) - but to be on the safe side tell a really good friend or two, too go to the same place or area as you but act like you dont know eachother so they can keep a close eye if anything happens, also change their names in your phone before you leave your house so you can say oh my mom is calling she must need me or it must be an emergancy for her to be calling me - (although it would be your fiends) its always an escape code..
and yes it sounds redic/pathetic but truly no matter how old you are safty is always the #1 thing

best of luck though! :)
i think you should get to know him BUT DONT EXPECT ANYTHING FROM HIM! he could possibly just want sex or he may not so prepare yourself for that possibility. just make sure u don't fall for him and end up getting hurt