Should I leave my football (soccer) team?


May 12, 2008
Morning ;)

I started playing football for a disabled footballing side in march 2011. However the last few months I have been starting to get annoyed with it. We are meant to be going away for a few days at the end of August to play in a tournament. I didn't want to go because my coaches were charging £400! For 4nights to sleep in a uni campus!. For the last few months they kept getting at me about not paying up. Because I thought the price was ridicules. Anyway a few weeks back I give them £100 for the trip and it shut them up about it. Anyway one of the coaches pulled me aside last week saying I can't miss training or playing games?. Eh the fact is I don't get paid for playing. So for example I could have to go to a wedding or a match yet I have to miss to play 5 a side football? They think you have signed up for life. Honestly tempted not to go back?

Any help