Should I break up with my bf over going to a strip club? Is it a big deal? Long


New member
Nov 11, 2011
story but interesting :)? I never give my boyfriend a problem for him going to the stip club (his 1st timewas with his brother in law bachl. party and 2nd for his friends party after my birthday) I feel that I am an attractive woman and I dont feel threatened by a stripper at all. Im (5'7 34 dd 24-36) and people tell me that I favor gabrielle union. We do other sexual things...we'll I do to him.
I dont bitch and complain to my boyfriend, I understand that he is a guy and I try to be the "cool" or "perfect" girlfriend. I really do try but I feel like he doesnt notice and its not enough.
I get along with his friends and his family likes me a lot. But my bf has a huge double standard. If Im running late to his house for our movie night he'll accuse me of being with another guy. We dont go to clubs together because he "doesnt want to see anyone else dancing with me." He asks me how many guys hit on me in a week or a day. And he goes through my facebook getting mad at guys who say something to me. I changed my fb status to in a relationship for him after that (though he never and still hasnt) I never had a problem keeping it as single until that. For some reason, he told me to change it back to single so he can "let them have it". I dont understand why he makes a big deal over it and wont change his status. All of his friends know we date.
1. For my birthday he asks me which michael kors watch I want (from a facebook status I made) I know that he has a minimum wage job and I didnt want him to buy me something that expensive. But my birthday comes around and he tells me he has something for me. I thought he would be planned and romantic since he knew for months. I spent my birthday volunteering for homeless children <3 and arguing with my mom over a cell phone lol The day after my birthday he gives me a dozen of flowers and a card with a note inside which I still have :) But he said that he was going to get me an actual gift and be there on my weekend celebration (which he wasnt) because his friends birthday was the day after and they went to a strip club where they got private lapdances. He told me that a stripper was grinding on him, rubbing her boobs on his face, grabbing his "junk" and etc.He told me he felt violated (like I give a damn). He never gave me the gift he was talking about (I understand) but Im thinking he spent most of his money on stippers. He doesnt know that Im beginning not to like him getting aroused and having dry sex with whores. I like that he tells me stuff but I know he wouldnt like if i went to a male strip club and got turned on and had a buff mandingo guy putting his stuff on me or touching me. I dont care if its a man thing.
2. Im a virgin and he's not. I thought about letting him be the first but after the strip club thing, I dont think so. He is thinking about getting a hotel room for us to have sex next weekend and he always tells me its been 4 months ( We've dated for 3 im sure he still has her number)
3. We're both 19 and in college and he works so I rarely talk to him. I dont see why he cant say something whenever he has time..instead of putting me last at the end of his day 2 or 3 in the morning once a week. And hell get mad if i dont answer the phone!
He told me that he loves me but hes not in love with me. How am I going to give my virginity to a man who gets hard over stippers and is not "in love with me." I know going to the strip club on an occassion is not a big deal but I dont like it. Maybe I put him on a pedestal but I guess he is still a dog like the men he thinks he's above.
He's given me all the signs that he loves me. Even his parents told me that he really loves me. His sister invited me to her wedding and he introduced me to his whole family and some gave the he really loves you he always talks about you.
4. I havent told my mom that we are dating again. We have gone out since July.
5. Im scared that having sex will make our relationship more emotional.
6 He tells me that he had "sooooooooooooooooooo much funnnnnnnnn!" at the strip club. I dont understand why...its just dancing whores. whats so fun about that?
WHAT SHOULD I DO? Should I leave him?