Should i beat this girl ass she making up rumors?


New member
Oct 7, 2008
me and my boyfriend goes to diffrent school like my school is across the street like [5mins away]. any way some girl likes him alot. he told he had a girl friend and wasnt intrested. so she got mad and made a nasty rumor saing that my boyfriend ate her out! yuk. i dont know if i should beat her ass . or i should just leave it alone because i know its not true. and shes all talk. im i doing the right thing? help me
just laught at her, . give her a nice smile when u see her. and if u want wish her a nice day. it will bother her much more!!
Be the bigger person.
Leave it alone, you don't get ahead by doing that.
you only feed what she wants......
if you know it's not true then don't give her the time of day by showing you care. If she is that low, you don't want to sink to her level.
Wow, she's pathetic.

Don't waste your energy on her.

She wants a reaction from you, to make you look bad in front of other people.

If you flip out at her, she'll say it's because you found out and you're jealous. These girls twist everything you say or do to make you look like the bitch.

You and your boyfriend know it's not true, so don't worry about it. That's all that matters.

Hope I helped and good luck. =]
Don't beat her as$. Go to your boyfriends school and make out with him in front of her. that will hurt her a whole lot more. And then in front of everyone be like, "he says you taste like tuna."

if that girl wants to play like that and pretend her fantasies are real, well turn em on her! she'll be taking back that rumor REAL fast.
its not worth the trouble. if you know she's a liar, and you dont even go to her school, im sure her classmates dont believe her either
This is crazy. Don't hurt the girl just because she spread a rumor. Doing so is evil, and in the end, you will be the bad guy. People won't hear about the other girl, they'll be so busy talking about criticizing you. Not to mention the fact that fighting physically is no way to solve a problem.
don't beat her unless she starts it. Also let her say whatever she wants, don't you see what she is doing she is trying to get to you and so far she has done that. Look at you and how you are behaving. She is just jealous cause you have and own the guy she wants.If i were you I'd hold on more tightly and kiss and hug him much more especially when she is around. so she understands that say what she may say that you're not leaving your guy unless you want. Kiss you boyfriend even harder and hug and squeeze him like never before when she is around.
omg dont do anything drastic just calm down and ignore her she will soon get bored and leave you alone. if your mess with her you will only make matters worse for yourself. If you dont do anything it wil prove that you are the better person. She is probably just attension seeking because she is desperate for a boyfriend. There are sooooo many attension seekers at my school and if you just blank them they soon stop. Hope i helped!!
just leave it alone cuz its not true.

just enjoy the fact that hes yours and she went to the extent of lying trying to win him! shes just jealous of you so whenever you see her just smile =)

* once a girl made up a rumor that my boyfriend and I slept over her house after junior prom and she opened the door and saw "my naked ass up in the air" it was SUPER funny considering I've NEVER been to her house!