Should I be mad or keep talking to him?


New member
Jul 1, 2009
Theres this boy who i like and he knows i like him. We hug a lot and when were hanging out people always tell us to hold hands and we do, for like 5 mins then i let go, but anywho we texts me every night! He forsure flirts with me when he hang out cause I know what flirting is !
But I asked him yesterday who does he liked & He said " I don't know I really don't know..Don't be mad " but i am mad because he knows I like him and he flirts with me and gives me impression that he likes me and then he says he doesn't know? I'm just confused over this whole situation..I know hes going to text me tonight again should i be mad or just keep being nice. Btw where both 16..
Advice please?
He just likes flirting, doesn't mean he has to like you as more than just friends. Its just a game.
be strait up with him, sit him down and say that he needs to decide and if he doesn't like you then he needs to stop flirting with you.
dont be mad, he probable didnt like being put on the spot on who he likes. he might be a little mad that u asked the question because he might think that u no that he likes u?? idk just keep on talking to him and try to forget that u even asked him who he likes
nahh, don't be mad. you can't control who he likes and being mad at him isn't really going to up your chances with him.