Should celebs be banned from naming their children?


New member
May 8, 2008
I just heard something over the radio
that made me laugh so hard it brought
tears to my eyes.... BRONX MOWGLI

Ashlee Simpson
{the simpson sister with even lesser
talent than her sibling --
if that is possible}
and the reigning emo teenybopper
heartthrob Pete Wentz actually
named their kid BRONX MOWGLI....

I can just imagine what they were smoking ---
I can also imagine the beating the poor kid
is going to get at school from the other kids

but he isn't the only one ....
It appears that Celebs have a twisted sense
of humour when it comes to their siblings ---
It also appears that they give more thought
to naming their pets

check out this list
some celeb kids will be seeing psychiatrists
before they even get out of elementary school
Here is another one for you... Matthew
McConaughey is naming his new-born

"Bud" lite
No one should be banned from naming their kids what they want to name them.

I agree, there are some ridiculous names out there, and I, myself, can't stand it when parents name their kids such idiotic names for the sake of being "unique", but it's their choice.
Who names a child Bronx Mowgli..
A place in New York..
And a Jungle Book Character..
Wow, Ashlee and Pete..REAL creative.

I mean I'm happy for the both of them, but seriously..

P.S. "Bud" Lite? Oh..My..God..............This is even worse than the names Kevin, Nick, and Joe...and Frankie. Ehh, well, it's a close second.
Wow...what a bad name. Wasn't there a Mowgli in the movie Gremlins? Maybe they met in the Bronx and love the movie Gremlins lol.
While i'm not a fan of the name Bronx Mowgli or alotta the other names Celebs name their kids, but no Celebs shouldn't be banned from namin their kids. Celebs are people too, they are humans beings just like the rest fo us, just more famous, and they deserve to be able to name their kids whatever they want too, just as the rest of us do.
YES! i agree. these poor kids. even people with normal names get teased because of their name can you imagine how bad it is when they have some stupid, off the wall name? makes me sad :( these new, young parents need to grow up before they have babies. Lately it seems like they are all in competition to see who can come up with the dumbest name for their kid. Do they realize they have to live with it the rest of their lives? PLZ PPL
I actually like the name Bronx, I'm not to crazy about Mowgli. But to each their own.

I find this new age of creative names refreshing. It's about time we added some spice to a world full of Emily's and Thomas's.
They definitely not be able to name their children. There are two other actors who named their children horrid names that I know of. One actress named her child Audio Science, and an actor named his child Pilot Inspector. It is horrible.
oh god who cares what they name their children? I hear "common" names that make me want to barf like "Trent" "kent" "Tad" "chad" "bret" what the heck are those noises you make when you hawk a loogie???
I totally agree! Just born, and their parents are already abusing them by naming them ridiculous names!

GasMaskC...way to insult an entire country. You're not the brightest crayon in the box, are you? Piss off, wanker!