Short book about guy who buys DVD player that flashes light and fast...


New member
May 22, 2013
...forwards telling future? It's driving me crazy! Let me give the general run through..

It's about a guy who buys a VCR (or DVD player I can't remember) for his entertainment room. When he gets home and plugs it in to watch that night, it starts flashing a light and the picture on the screen starts fast forwarding. After a second the screen shows a video of something happening - usually someone being murdered or something related. After a while, the guy figures out that what's happening on screen is actually telling the future. So he decides to take preemptive actions in order to stop what's happening on the video. The ending has a big twist to the story (shutter island style twist).

Please does anyone know this book? I've been to the end of the Internet and back looking and can't figure it out!! I read it when I was in 8th grade. The book is prolly only 30-50 pages at most.