Sexuality question about a girl.... only serious answers please....?


May 17, 2008
Well im turning 17 and today I decided to tell this lesbian friend of mine that im Bi. Everyone knows she is a lesbian like the entire school. So shes pretty open about it. But her parents don't know. Well shes the only one that knows and shes not going to tell anyone. I dont want to be open about it because im not sure what I want to be yet. She said that it was really cool and she said be careful with the girls because theres a lot of emotion involved and a lot of girls dont know what they want. And I told her I know what I want in life and hers is pretty much the same and she said thats good .... but what im trying to say is that I like her and I would love to try and date her but I dont want anyone to know about it. She is pretty popular but I can trust her with anything. But idk how I should talk to her about it because I pretty much choke up and get super nervous.... shes the type that will flirt nonstop. Shes not the type to ask anyone out she likes getting asked. But im like really confused because by telling her earlier made me more confused if I think im Bi or not... She also got dumped by her girlfriend earlier today to. I dont want to make anything akward between us at all either.
If she just got dumped you should give her some time- a couple weeks- before you make a move. In that time try to get close to her and then ask her out.
That might be kind of difficult for her if you want to keep things a secret between you, assuming you do go out with her.
Even if somebody agrees to that at first, most people start feeling like you are ashamed of them because you want things kept private and things don't end well.