Seriously, what's with the bus stop campaign tour?Are things really so at


Sep 13, 2009
peace,that 0bama has time for this? foolishness, or has he just completely lost his marbles?
The idiot/savant knows he's in deep, deep doo doo, so he returns to the only thing
the savant is good at, political rhetoric.

The idiot-side has no victories to proclaim, so the savant side returns to what worked
in the past, demonizing the opposition.

His whining and b*tching about the Republicans has become so obnoxious I'm surprised
one on his own, doesn't climb the stage and deliver a "b*tch-slap, A La "The Godfather",
saying:"Act like a man!!"...:)
he is campaigning at the taxpayers expense-no surprise
@go-57 states boy forget about him?
@krista-when you wish upon a star....
He's in campaign mode full swing but that won't help him.
He can't run on his record either so his new campaign is all about class warfare between rich and everyone else.
Hes in full blown campaign mode. And he apparently thinks going state to state blaming Republicans will get him elected
If Obama really liked living in the White House...he'd spend more time there.
But, sadly, no...he HATES THE WHITE HOUSE and all it stands for.
That's why he's ramming Change down our collective throats. His mission is to change America away from our traditional values and heritage.
This is strongly symbolized by the place he hates the most, the White House.
He lives there, but gets out and away on ANY excuse to travel the world over, play golf twice a week, spend 3 weeks in Martha's Vineyard, travel to Indonesia, Brazil, pick up a Nobel, attend a G20...then a rest Camp David...just so he's away from DC and the White House.
Now he's on a slow bus crisscrossing middle America and again is away from the WH.

Hey folks, lets help him out and send him back to Chitown...permanently next November
When the GOP congress won't work with you, what other choice do you have but to take your plan to the people. The American people overwhelmingly favor the jobs bill and will contact their leadership to push for passing bills that create jobs.