Serious Question Needing an Even Seriouser Answer

Yes, and we'll say that it's the same kind of cheese for both just to make things fair.
The taco. Much stronger than a sandwich. Although of course much more brittle. It would have to choose its attack and target very carefully
It should also be specified that this is a street fight so anything goes. Including taco sauce.
so what if tomato soup comes along? is tomato soup allowed to help out grilled cheese??
Hmmm, I think the trapping ability of the grilled cheese would win, unless it was fighting a Brazilian Fish Taco.

Edit: Of course everyone knows that the Brazilian Fish Taco was adopted from the Japanese, the Gracie family used it to win the UFC (Ultimate Food Challenge) in the early 90's
Damn Squid!

I was diving for both of them when that large tenticle scarfed them both from in front of me!

CCM is a meal, Taco and Toasted Cheese are snacks, you are comparing apples and orang utans Only other thing in the running in my opinion is the Egg Banjo.