senior pranks?

this year the seniors did a buch of shit. they took everything from the principles office and put it in the lobby, put every single lunch table throughout the halls (this was scary, an emo gay kid runway walked across them), took every desk out of the classrooms in senior hall and made a blockade, they took god knows how many dimerits and covered the office so you couldnt see any of a wall (must have been thousands), and lastly, they built a massive wooden wall to block off one side of senior hallway.

its gay because they got the ideas approved from the principle first. the desk thing was sorta like highschool stories, they couldve done something better

a food fight was attempted when some kid threw a cherry slushie in the middle of the cafeteria and yelled food fight, but everyone just stood up as if ready but no one threw anything
bring a bull to the highest floor in school(2nd), and feed it hay, u ask why the highest floor, because bulls and cows cant walk down stairs, and why feed hay, cuz they take massive shits, and eat all the time, and why a bull, cuz bulls can chase the hell the out u, and ppl will be scared, so u ask where will i get a bull, my answer is my farm duhh
yes ive raised mine, it knows me aswell, everytime i go on the field on my 4wheeler it stays next to it, so i guess it nows me pretty well
well i wasnt the one who came up with the idea. i was just a helper in the whole thing. plus when i moved into the house that i'm living in right now, we never got calble, direct tv or any of that shit.. so no way i could of saw that. o and plus i think watching tv is a waste of time.:tup:
Back in 06, we camped out in the middle of campus. I mean full blown, tents, fire ring, I cooked a gumbo. People started arriving in the morning and they were like wtf... We thought we'd be in deep trouble, went to first period anyway, halfway through principal calls the inhabitants of "tent city" to the office. We thought the worst, ended up taking pictures for the yearbook. It was pretty much awesome.
fucking loser. that shit is like 6000 years old at my school. people will actually pay fucking money for zipties. it's fucking pathetic.

to the OP: the seniors this year stayed the night at the school... very original, but very gay.

luckily our sr prank next year will be a good one.
Apparently the senior class this year lit a fire in one of the bathrooms, like decked the shit out with gasoline and lit it. What the fuck kind of prank is that?
The whole point is to do something that everybody will find funny. Nobody's going to know what VLN means or what the :dodgy: is. Chances are they'll just be like "What the fuck?" and think it's gay. Just my opinion, though.