Seen da best, most eagerly anticipated book of the century trailers? Has...


New member
Apr 13, 2010
...GWB begun his promo tour 4 Nov issue?

Having helped in 3 drop-in centres for alcoholics & drug addicts, can I urge all to put aside political bias?

& to think @ a story that will motivate others to see the potential in even the most broken people?

His book is very much a 'warts & all' @ the 14 most key, vital decisions in his 8-years presidency

He is honest @ his flaws & mistakes

He takes us thru the most momentous moments .. after 9/11 .. lead-up to Iraq invasion .. events in Afghanistan

& what helped him overcome a heavy drinking problem

How his life was totally turned round by finding a saving faith in Christ

Is a true Christian some kinda plaster saint?

Is it not, most clearly indeed, a sinner, who is saved only by the sheer grace of God, thru faith in the once-for-all sacrifice of Christ @ Calvary? As @ John 3:14-18, Romans 3:19-28 etc?

What did I post in Y/A the day GWB handed over the reins of power, in such a gracious & helpful way?

I encouraged his goal of writing these here memoirs ASAP, y'all !!

R U looking forward to upcoming media interviews?

I'll never forget the comparison between how rapidly haggard Glum Gollum went after just 6 months as UK PM, with how GWB still looked as fresh as a daisy after 8 years in the most stresssful job on Earth @ the most stressfull time in history

So far

& as we all know that U aint seen nothing yet & the worst times are just round the corner, with the 3rd & final UK Prime Ministerial debate just @ 60 hours away, what is the most urgent question of the hour?

What kind of character qualities are most vital in good leaders? & to avoid voting for?

& its corollary, in this 24x7 multimedia generation

What makes a good, responsible citizen of this global village?

& do you see the value of engaging in fruitful daily discussions on Y/A? On radio/TV phone-ins?

Do you accept our responsibility to do our part as, We, The People of Earth?

How do you see the role of Joe Public?

Do you feel like a helpless, tiny cog in a humungously huge wheel?

Or do you feel the power of the www. at your fingertips?

Over to YOU, OK?