Sean Bell murderers acquitted

Some are, some aren't.

It's more an abuse-of-power-mixed-with-prejudices-and-low-intelligence thing than them being "out to get people."
I think one was, and one was mixed race, if I recall correctly. Don't remember exactly.
how is it race related? i can see if the cops who shot them were all white, but they weren't! this is NOT a race related incident, they only reason it has turned into one is because the black community is crawling all over it!
"But don't let it be a black and a white one Cause they'll slam ya down to the street top Black police showing out for the white cop."

NWA said it best.

No, but really. It more has to do with prejudices and assumptions by the police and state as a whole, you know?

I'm not saying they should have done NOTHING. But there is a big difference between NOTHING and 50 shots at an unarmed person. I think if it were a white person, it very probably would have fallen somewhere between the two.
I lol'd... Hard.

Great argument :tup:. S'not like NWA was a group of guys who were racist against whites or anything :dodgy:

You are an idiot. Seriously.


EDIT: 2000TH POST W00T!!!
For some reason, it doesn't really bother me that you think I'm an idiot...
Hahahahahhahahahhahahah. Dumb motherfucker uses a quote said by a rap group named "Niggers With Attitude." What the fuck?
I like how there's always white people at these protests, but when a white dude gets shot, there's not a single black person to be seen.