Schoolboy almost hanged in class

Apr 4, 2008
A SCHOOLBOY who almost hanged during his English class was re-enacting a "murder by hanging", has nightmares over the incident.

It has come as a cruel twist of fate for the boy and his family, who lost a child in a tragic accident involving an unsettled horse almost 12 months ago.

The boy's stepfather, Graham Evans, who asked that nobody else in the family be named, said the 14-year-old saw a vision of his dead sister just after he blacked out during English class at Laidley State High School on Monday.

"His sister has told him to 'Go back - it's not time yet ... you have to stay there for Mum'," Mr Evans said.

Education Queensland alleges the boy fell from a table with a noose around his neck during the mock crime scene, which was part of a Year 9 English assessment task.

Mr Evans said Education Queensland had provided false information, but declined to comment further following advice from lawyers.

He said the teenager still had a red mark around his neck from the rope and was traumatised.

"He isn't good," he said of the boy. "He is not sleeping really well. He's been having nightmares. He is still getting over his sister's death. We all are."

The family is furious with Education Queensland, which did not report the matter to police.

Education Queensland refused to release further details yesterday on the grounds the incident was under investigation.

A statement released by Education Queensland late yesterday said: "The principal reported the matter to Workplace Health and Safety officials in line with his legal obligations".

The case has outraged the community, with many questioning why a noose was put around a boy's neck.

Education Minister Geoff Wilson told Parliament yesterday: "It absolutely beggars belief that something like this was able to occur."

Queensland Council of Parents & Citizens' Association president Margaret Black said the organisation had sought assurances "that this type of stupidity doesn't happen again".

Education acting deputy director-general Lyn McKenzie said the mock crime scene English assessment item would now be reviewed "in terms of its appropriateness".

Police, who were contacted by the family, said there would be no action taken.

"The matter has been handed over to Education Queensland and Workplace Health and Safety," a police spokeswoman said.

Now please tell me if you think i am being unreasonable but it seems that the teacher involved here must be a complete idiot and should not only be sacked but possibly charged as well.
I have absolutlely nothing to add, save for the fact that when I read Parliament, I immediately thought of these guys.
pretty funny coincidence that i've just read this:

agreed with arnoo though, you have to be really fricking stupid to do something like that, and pretty freaking stupid to get a kid whose sister just died, to simulate a hanging.
I'm still wondering wich part of the teacher might have thoughed: Hey ! it might be a pretty good idea to acctually tie the noose to the ceiling and all
also, how long did they let him hang??? i mean, what the hell, you don't have to be a genius to figure out someone hanging by the neck is going to choke to death
Look kids I know he was a big star but Michael Hutchence is not a good example right.
Good thing there were other people around. What a horrible and stupid thing to let happen right under your nose