

Mar 17, 2008
How old were you when you found out Santa did not exist? How did you find out?
Santa doesn't exist? YOU LIE! YOU LIAR! I KNOW YOU LIE!
*sniff* break my heart whydoncha.
Thank God you posted that Sammy... its about time Adam knew the truth. I just couldn't bear to break it to him myself

Don't worry Ads, you still get presents
I was around 7 or 8, and my sister was quite proud to be the bearer of the exciting news. I told her that she was a lier, and I still believe she was lying.
I didn't have a moment of relisation, but just a gradual awareness that it was all a bit sus. I was nice however, and pretended for my brother's sake.

I mean come on, if ther really was a Santa, why did my brother get presents instead of coal?
I don't remember how old I was. I do remember being about 5 years old and complaining because "Santa" only left me about 4 toys. I didn't realise at the time that those 4 toys had probably cost "Santa" about £100 or more

The innocence of Youth eh?
But Santa does exist! Want proof? I've got two words for you....

Elf fu! (Northern long-shoe style.)
OK Ruby Santa, or Saint Nicholas did really exist at one point! lalala... I kinda always knew, mE Am $m@Rt!!
I was 7 and my friend said his mom put his presents under the tree so I figured his mom was santa and then caught my mom so I got freaked out and still don't know what is going on.
I was about 7 I think - My parents told me when I asked them for the truth.

They told me that the guy that put my presents out was MY DAD.

I was walking around for days thinking "WOW! MY DAD! SANTA!WAY COOL!" Until the penny dropped LOL
i tried to put a ghostbuster trap on my stairs to catch santa. lol. i kinda found out when i asked my mum if he did exist and she kinda hinted and laughed.
i cant remember age :-(
I just seem to remember knowing no shock moment though. unless it is buired deep within my psychy and has driven me mad all these years