Saltcoats sets Mill Rate at 9.95%


Jun 17, 2007
On March 17, 2021, at 5:57 P.M. Mayor Barnhart called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Saltcoats Town Council to order with all members present via Zoom. He handed the floor to the Yorkton City RCMP to give the council an update of the RCMP endeavours within the Saltcoats area. The officer informed the council of the 2021-2022 fiscal plans for Saltcoats and the area. Council had several questions for the Sgt. of the RCMP including ATV laws in Saskatchewan as well as training on dealing with autistic individuals. Carrying on, the council reviewed the agenda for approval. Councillor Hutchings made a motion to accept the amended agenda; the motion carried. Next, the council reviewed the minutes of the February 17, 2021, regular scheduled council meeting, as well as the addendums, before Councillor Waloschuck made a motion to accept the minutes as reviewed; motion carried. Councillor Denbrok made the motion to accept the Addendums; motion carried. Public Works Town Foreman Dennis Hunt was present to give the Monthly Review of the Waterworks Operational Report for February 2021. Foreman Hunt informed the council that the town’s water usage was very high which ended up with a waterline broken in an abandoned house in town; a few house trailers in town had also had water line breaks. There was an attempted break-in into the water treatment plant but the Water Security Agency said it didn't need future investigation since countermeasures have been installed. Councillor Pearson made the motion to accept the Waterworks Operational Report; motion carried. Next, the council reviewed the Public Works Report for February 2021. Foreman Hunt explained to the council the activities the maintenance staff have been doing around town including getting streets and snowbanks ready for spring. There have been 3 companies come to inquire about the water treatment project. Councillor Buchinski made a motion to accept the Public Works Report; motion carried. Financials The council reviewed the List of Accounts for Approval For February 2021 before Councillor Denbrok made a motion to pay the bills; motion carried. The Budgetary Control - January - February 2021 was next on the agenda for the council to review before Councillor Waloschuck made a motion to accept the Budgetary Control Report; motion carried. Moving on, the January & February 2021 Bank Reconciliation was reviewed next. The council also reviewed the Unpaid Tax and Utility Reports. The Financial & Budget Reports were reviewed by the council after. The finance committee met and set a 9.95% mill rate. Mayor Barnhart made a motion to set the mile rate at 9.95% which is a zero percent tax increase. Councillor Denbrok voiced her concern that it may possibly send an unrealistic message to the ratepayers without a mill rate increase, especially during these tough fiscal times. Councillor Waloschuk suggested the council give up their indemnity. The motion was carried with a recorded vote of 4 votes For and 3 votes Opposed for the mill rate and a zero percent tax increase. Mayor Barnhart made the motion to adopt the budget as brought forward by the budget committee; motion carried. Business Arising from the Minutes January 2021 Policy 21-02 - Waste and Recycle Bin Policy was reviewed before Councillor Issel made a motion to adopt this policy; motion carried. The next policy to be reviewed by the council was Policy 21-01 - Communication Strategies Policy. Councillor Person explained to the rest of the council what the communication committee had brought forward before Person made the motion to adopt this policy with an amendment to Appendix F at the next meeting; motion carried. Carrying on, the council reviewed Policy 11-01 - Personnel; there were amendments to this policy as it was outdated. Councillor Waloschuck made the motion to adopt this amendment; motion carried. The council also discussed the insurance renewal. New Business The council discussed the Repeal of Bylaw 04-2019 before Councillor Hutchings made a motion to Repeal Bylaw 04-2019; motion carried. Bylaw 01-2021 - Amendment to the Utility Management Bylaw was reviewed by the council; this is the new Utility Management Bylaw. Councillor Buchinski made the motion for first reading; motion carried. Councillor Pearson made a motion for the 2nd reading of this bylaw; motion carried. Mayor Barnhart made the motion to go ahead with the 3rd reading; motion carried, Councillor Denbrok made the motion to have the 3rd reading. This bylaw has passed after 3 readings and is now enacted. Next, the council reviewed Bylaw 02-2021 - Authorizing Financial Contributions to the Saltcoats Regional Park. Councillor Pearson made a motion to have the 1st reading of this bylaw; motion carried. Councillor Denbrok made a motion to have 2nd reading of this bylaw; motion carried. Councillor Buchinski made a motion to go ahead with the 3rd reading with all council members agreeing; motion carried. Councillor Pearson made a motion to have the 3rd and final reading; motion carried. Next, the council discussed the pricing of the website. The council is looking at setting up and the discussion was tabled until the next meeting. The council reviewed and discussed the commissionaire’s renewal for 2021. Mayor Barnhart made the motion to renew the commissionaire; motion carried. Carrying on, the council discussed the farmer’s market. There is a request to start holding farmer’s markets starting in April. The administration will work with the event planners to establish proper COVID regulations. Correspondence The council reviewed the correspondence received by the town for the last month including the SGI Auto fund and a letter from a ratepayer about the museum fundraiser. Councillor Pearson made a motion to adjourn the council meeting; motion carried. Gary Horseman, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Four-Town Journal