Sacrifice Of Jesus Christ?


New member
Jul 31, 2008
Christians Only Please:

If you believe that Jesus Christ was God Incarnate on Earth, why do you call him the Son of God? Also if Jesus was God, what was the point of going through the crucifixion to save us from sin? Is it not possible for God to simply say to everyone: "I know that you have all sinned but since I love you all very much I'll make you a deal: repent and I'll forget about everything". The crucifixion simply seems strange because its exactly saying that God sacrificed himself?... Please explain this.
From a few of the answers that I have received, it seems that the explanation that is given is that "Jesus" is the union or combination of "God the Son and Human Nature".
So would it be valid to say that when Jesus died on the cross, only the "human nature" experienced death (humans can obviously die) and that the "divine nature" stayed alive (divine nature is eternal and obviously cannot die)
God the Father had to become a human through a virgin birth ( Purity )
It took God's perfect, blood sacrifice. as the Prophets predicted. and it is very true God sacrificed Himself for you. If only for you.....
God goes by His word .. Satan capitalized on that fact and deceived man into disobeying it, therefore God had to come up with a way to 'get around' what was decreed .. its a spiritual legal thing ..
I am not Christian. I have studied christian theology, and can say that most of what is in the bible is derived from older religions that would be considered pagan today. Human sacrifice was a major component to ancient pagan religions. The object was to enlighten the pagans and convince them that human sacrifice is no longer necessary as the "Ultimate" human sacrifice has already happened and no longer necessary to keep the gods happy.

The moral basis of these stories are sound. Basically, early Christians told the pagans "You don't have to kill people anymore! God says you are all forgiven! Ain't that great? Now lets all go drink some blood and eat some flesh to celebrate."

There is much debate in theological universities as to whether Jesus was crucified. It is unlikely that he was due to the anthropological records for the region at the time of Jesus' life. The Romans had abandoned the practice of crucifixion hundreds of years before Jesus was born. Most likely he was executed by being run through with a sword in a public setting, kind of the equivalence to a firing squad today. Being killed at sword point as part of the crucifiction story still holds in modern biblical teachings. The Romans considered themselves an enlightened society and would have been offended by the barbaric nature of the crucifixion.

The moral lesson you should take away from the crucifixion story is that you should be kind to fellow humans, and treat them with the respect that you treat yourself.
Jesus was the first thing God made. So God calls him the son of god. God sent Jesus down to die to have our sins forgiven, he knew he was going to die when he was sent down there. And when he was born, he didn't know anything. He didn't know anything till he was baptized and a dove came down at age 33. Jesus then remembered why he was down there. And God could not speak to us directly, only through an angel. To put simply, the ransom is Jehovah’s means to deliver, or save, humankind from sin and death. (Ephesians 1:7). This was needed, It needed to be symbolic.
God put Himself on trial for our sins. Only God could do this through Christ, He was without sin.

“According to the Christian revelation, God’s own great love propitiated his own holy wrath through the gift of his own dear Son, who took our place, bore our sin and died our death. Thus God himself gave himself to save us from himself.”

—John Stott, The Message of Romans, 115
Jesus Christ I believe is Gods son the purpose of the sacrifice is really complex we needed the ultimate sacrifice to clear everyones sin and Jesus(yeshua) being perfect and flawless was just that.
I do believe that God could have said your sins are forgiven and it would have beeen all good but from what I understand of God he like to do everything in a symbolic way.
Before the foundation of the earth, God the Creator and God the Son discussed what they knew of the nature of man, thus mankind. They knew given the chance, they too would desire to be like them, or God themselves. So God the Son said when the time comes, I will volunteer to be the sacrifice that will bridge the gap caused by man's sin so man and God can be reconciled to one another. Okay, you know about the serpent tempting Eve and Eve giving Adam the fruit that was forbidden. Man became a carnal man fully capable of terrible sins or evils.
About two thousand years ago, Jesus was born. Now Jesus is the product of two nature found in one body, he is one hundred percent God the Son and one hundred percent Jesus the begotten son of God but in human form. It was determined thousand of years prior to creation that by one man sin entered the earth and by one man would it be atoned for: that man was Jesus. During the 4000 years from the beginning of sin to the cross, man had been taught two things, a life for life--the animal sacrifice and that blood carried the life---thus Jesus would spill all his blood so man's sins are covered with the blood. This is God's chosen method to redeem man. It does seem a lest horrendous way could have been found but God has his way and his ways are not ours and ours are not his. It could be that sin is so terribly horrid to the cleansing method had to match, and it surely did that. So the God of Creation and Father of Jesus allowed his son who is God Son to give his life for his creation man. Now it is up to each man to accept or reject this wonderful gift of life--spiritual life.
Jesus is God the Son - second person of the trinity, co-equal with the Father and with the Spirit. He says "I and the Father are ONE" and was accused of blasphemy.

Now, the most important question - I believe there are 2 questions in one
(1) why didn't God just forgive everyone? Because He is a just God and cannot acquit the guilty without a penalty. Jesus' sacrifice paid the debt for our iniquities.
(2) why did God himself have to die? Because only a spotless and perfect sacrifice (as Jesus was) would have satisfied a holy and perfect God.
Jesus Christ I believe is Gods son the purpose of the sacrifice is really complex we needed the ultimate sacrifice to clear everyones sin and Jesus(yeshua) being perfect and flawless was just that.
I do believe that God could have said your sins are forgiven and it would have beeen all good but from what I understand of God he like to do everything in a symbolic way.
Because Jesus himself states that he and his Fathe are one - in spirit.

Jhn 10:30 I and [my] Father are one.

Because that is the only sacrifice that God would accept for the sins of mankind - perfection. Jesus was perfect man and perfect God.

You don't "get it" because you are spiritually blind - according to scripture.

1Cr 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

What you are stating is that if you were God then you would have done things differently. Well some bad news - you ain't and will never be God.

Isa 45:9 "Destruction is certain for those who argue with their Creator. Does a clay pot ever argue with its maker? Does the clay dispute with the one who shapes it, saying, `Stop, you are doing it wrong!' Does the pot exclaim, `How clumsy can you be!'

Isa 45:10 How terrible it would be if a newborn baby said to its father and mother, `Why was I born? Why did you make me this way?' "

Isa 45:11 This is what the LORD, the Creator and Holy One of Israel, says: "Do you question what I do? Do you give me orders about the work of my hands?

Isa 45:12 I am the one who made the earth and created people to live on it. With my hands I stretched out the heavens. All the millions of stars are at my command.

I understand your confusion, I've been Catholic my whole life and I get confused too.

Jesus is the son of God because of the Holy Trinity. Now, it gets confusing. There is one God, but this one God has appeared in three persons. God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit (The Holy spirit dwells in our bodies after baptism). God the Father created the world and commanded Mary to give birth to Jesus. The Holy Spirit filled Mary and she conceived and Jesus was born, saving us from our sinful ways. This is all the one God, just appearing in three different ways.

The point of crucifixion? God has closed the gates of heaven, no one could enter without a sacrifice. Jesus was this sacrifice because He loved us SO MUCH. We nail Him to that cross every time we sin, when He died and then resurrected the gates of heaven were open to believers. God sacrificed himself for US. We should always be grateful. It's like you sacrificing yourself so that your loved ones are not killed, Christ did this for the whole human race. It wouldn't seem illogical to put yourself out on the line for your family, same goes for God.

I'm sorry that this is so confusing. I hope it helps.