Rumors and gossip..........?


May 13, 2008
There is alot of rumors going around in my highschool about me that are not true. Tomorrow at school I need something to say that seems like it doesn't bother me? Something like... "That is just a unfounded rumor and such things can do alot of harm"

I know they will go away and another one will come back but they still hurt.
I've been in your shoes. I threw 1 girl down the stairs, she shut up after that. I was 15.

Option 1. Ignore them. They are a bunch of dumb b*ches who just want attention. Be better than them by pulling really good grades and making new friends.

Option 2. Stand up in class and say everything you've heard in front of everyone. "So, I like to make an announcement. Rachael, Beth, and Adriana were mentioning to Kate, John, Austin, Tommy, Carlos, and Sharice that I am anorexic and that I have been throwing up in the bathroom. I just wanted to clear the air that I do not have an eating disorder, and if anyone cares so much they can reference my personal doctor. Thank you." and sit down.
Why? because it's something they will totally not expect.

or you do the last thing, throw 1 down the stairs, serve juvi at 15 like I did, get in huge trouble by your parents....but walk back into school knowing nobody is gonna f*** with you.
I don't think you should say that, it sounds almost.. too smart. Maybe you are hurt a little? It's okay to show that. Everybody gets hurt sometimes. Just shake it off the best you can. If someone is to come up and confront you about it, just say no and move on with your day. Highschool is highschool, not your whole life. You'll be out before you know it. Just hang in there.