Roughly every thousand years there is a new religion that takes over.What...


New member
Oct 13, 2008
...religion do you think is next? I'm not trying to beat the crowd there, just wondering? Any ideas? Try not to take the question too seriously.
Mr. Beanism. Someday the world will recognize Rowan Atkinson as the True Saviour.
Probably either Islam or Atheism. They are both growing at amazing rates.

I think it will be Atheism. Islam only has such a stronghold because in some countries people are forced to be muslim.
Good! I'll not take the question seriously! It's about time we got a little levity on this site.
Probably Scientology, (unfortunately.)

It's more modern, and incorporates a lot of new agey principles. Plus, they have money and celebs. This makes it more attractive to followers.
One world religion - mystery Babylon. Also the unholy trinity will be in the background. Satan, the antichrist and the false prophet.
Takes over ...what ? The world ? This will be news to the Australian aborigines. And which religion took over in 1000 AD ? Anyway, no, by all means, beat the crowd. They've got it coming.