Renaming Marriage

I'd not be surprised. None immediately come to mind, but having seen the way people often "cherry-pick" scriptures out of context, I think you're right.
I'd certainly agree that by puberty, whatever influences are involved are probably pretty well set. Could you intentionally "program" very young children to become or not become later in life, I don't know.

Me, probably not, someone else, again, I don't know, might depend on how extreme the "therapy". Interestlingly, Exodus International believes the opposite, that it is possible to come out of the gay lifestyle. Regardless, I am firmly convinced that there exist sexual addicts, hetero or homo, doesn't matter, and that therapies exist that can help.
Ah, but Paul's discourse in Romans is pretty clear, don't you think? I don't need a hard definition for Sodomy, when what is clearly being opposed is same-sex relationships. I'll gladly and thankfully change my position when and if I can be convinced that my understanding of the scriptures is in error. Except for a very small number of core "axioms", I'm open to a change of view on most anything.

Since this is the second comment on condemnation, please let me know which post I did this in. I've opposed, yes, but not aware of anywhere that I condemned.
Abraham was interceeding for Sodom. He "bargained" down to 10 and stopped. Bottom line, the only righteous people in Sodom were Lot and his family, and God got them out.

I did touch on this before, in that, I don't see any scripture saying that homosex was the reason for the destruction of Sodom. As I mentioned before, the situation with Lot was hardly consensual, but rape. God does love, but at what point does justice come in to play? Personally, I think people back then were a whole lot less "civilized" than we are. I'll bet alot of very evil stuff was happening in Sodom, and God hit the point where He had to put a stop to it.
Right, but now now you're into justice versus mercy. Would it be just to let Hitler off the hook? According to the "rules", sin brings death, i.e. justice being played out. And that is where Christians believe Jesus's death on the cross is the intercessory payment for our sins. So justice is served, and mercy is shown.
While I agree that one can see the "intesection" of the culture and the religion, I maintain that the principles of Biblical Christian belief trancend the culture.

Sorry, Paul didn't create Christianity, he was converted. He did play a big role in the growth and development of the belief system.

The little bit of carry-over was done by the group of Christian leaders at the Counsel of Jerusalem, not Paul in isolation. And they believed they were led by the will of God.

Have to ask, how much of this was the original law and how much was additions? At Jesus's time the Pharasees were experts at twisting the law to suit their purposes.

And just what greater knowledge is that, and who gets to decide? If I believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God and something is clearly, consistently opposed, why would I choose to discard it? If I don't believe it is His Word, then why worry about what it says at all? God doesn't tell me Coke versus Pepsi, He does tell me not to kill

As a believer, Jesus I trust, Paul I trust, there are very few people I'd consider qualified to make the kind of decisions you're advocating. But again, if you don't believe, why worry about it?
I support gay marriage, and it never made me want to be with a guy.

What does it matter as long as you love each other. Thats why I can't stand religion it promotes hate. History has proven that.
It turns people into sheeple.
No, but Hitler hurt people. Killed them by the millions, to be precise, just because they were different than him. That's unjust by any measure.

Ellen Degeneres and Boy George don't hurt anybody. What they are is "wrong" ONLY because God says so. God can't make a completely arbitrary rule, and then say that mercy can't be shown because justice demands the application of his own completely-arbitrary rule.
Actually Boy George assaulted and falsely imprisoned a male escort but I don't think that's directly related to his being gay
Aside from a couple of local lads I've never really seen much violence from gay guys and I used to go out to gay clubs quite a lot.
Clearly you never hung out with Alexander the Great.

In all seriousness, I agree. I just don't see nearly as much "fighting to prove your cojones" with my gay friends that you see with some adolescent men overall.
i never said anything about justice OR mercy. i implied that god is a hypocritical hole who fits perfectly in most definitions of evil.
The original = I kill every man in your tribe and drag your women back to my cave where I present the most luscious one with bear pelt and meat, and then commence procreation so that my tribe will have a better chance a survival.
Who would you consider qualified?A council of theologians and/or priests,social scientists and others who believe they're inspired by their god?Worked a long time ago,I guess.Why not now?One might question if they were truly inspired by the Almighty,wouldn't you?Or one might not.Again,lots of different sects in existence.

Worry about it?I don't.I do notice that there are certain prohibitions outside those in the ten that receive more attention than others.Why is that?Such attention is never influenced by individuals' certain cultural outlooks or upbringing at all though,right?