Religion: What does this mean?


Jun 5, 2008
So my nephew is 9, he has this best friend named Devonte who is also 9. He's like the cutest kid ever physically, but behavior wise he can't stay out of trouble. He knows way too much about sex and other adult things. Well, I told my nephew that he needs to hang with more godly children and he said "I know who Christ is, and he never hung with the saints it makes no sense to save the righteous."

What exactly does that mean? (I have an idea) and is it correct?
Dude that kid needs to be taught better and slapped for bad mouthing a adult.
He's a child who aspires to become an atheist one day. I admire his early-age criticism of the Bible and I wish more children his age would be this critical and rational-minded when dealing with religion.

Sounds to me like that family really needs a good Christian education,

as what he said show he know nothing about Jesus and Christianity.

. . .