Religion stuff is kinda complicated? its longer than I thought, but pls


New member
Feb 28, 2013
answer. Even U might benefit from it.? Imagine that I'm a muslim, and I've been raised in a muslim family, and have been living in a completely muslim country. How do I know that my religion is right? People who were born in Christian countries, withing christian families are as sure as me, that christianity is right. I'm 100% sure that Islam is right, and Christians are 100% sure that christianity is right. And that's not only christianity and Islam. People who've been raised in other religions believe that their religion is right, as much as we believe that our religion is right.

And about changing religions, I guess there are many people who think "how do I know that this religion is right? What if another religion is right?", and so, they learn more about other religions and convert. They convert to a religion which makes more sense to THEM. There are ex muslim christians and ex christian muslims, too. For one person, christianity may make more sense than Islam, and for another person, Islam may make more sense than christianity. It's the same thing with other religions too. And, no human is perfect, which means, no matter how sure a person is about a religion (even if it is a religion that a person converted to, after being in another religion for many years), there's always a possibility that it might be wrong. And even if a person learns everything about all the religions, it will still depend on how the person's brain works. If there are 50 people who learned everything about all religions, 10 of them may say that Islam is right, other 10 may say that Christianity is right, other 10 may say that Judaism is right, other 10 may say that Agnostics is right, and the other 10 may say that Hindhuism is right. And no matter how much they give advices and teach each other about the religion they think is right, it will still depend on how the individual's brain works. Maybe the person who said that Judaism is right, might start saying that Hindhism is right, because it makes sense, just to HIM. :/

Well, I personally, still believe in Islam, but I believe in it just because of a few reasons. It is accurate future-telling, but what if another religions talk about an accurate future-telling? How would I know which religion is right? Even if I don't follow any religion that I hear of, I will still believe that there is One God behind all of this, because this future-telling is too accurate to be a coincidence. Even if it is accurate in 5 religions, there is One God, because only a God can give such an accurate future-telling. I won't believe that there are more than one Gods, because what if the Gods start arguing? If they did, this planet wouldn't be going like a cycle. Things will change from time to time.

And the other thing is the illuminati. We see it too much, to disbelieve it. It's even on the US Dollar. They're EVERYWHERE! Like, why would an artist, copy other artists? Most artists try to be unique and stuff, so why would such an artist copy other artists's steps and stuff? I don't know about your opinion, but I'm sure that illuminati exists, and if the illuminati exists, a God definitely does exist.

I think God should have provided a better source for this :/ Or if I'm talking like a Pagan, I think God shouldn't have given a book, out of many others. Just a single mistake, a single misunderstanding, could send you to hell, but it would be great if God sends a miracle. A sign to everyone, telling everyone who God is.

If I ever leave Islam, I would still believe in God, but I wouldn't say that 'Allah is God' or 'Jesus is God' or anything like that. I will just pray to 'God' (it can be Allah or Jesus or anyone. I will be praying to the right, and real God), and of course, if I'm in that situation, I don't think I would be blamed, because I'm perfect and no matter how sure I'm about a religion or agnostics or atheism, there's always a possibility that I might be wrong. So, I wouldn't be believing a particular thing. I would just say " I don't know what's right, so I will just pray to the real God (the one who created this universe and everything in it, and controls everything) ".

But it's kinda saddening that, even if I leave Islam, my views on Homosexuality wouldn't change, because when it comes to religion, ALL religions have the same opinion on Homosexuality. It kinda proves that the real God has forbid homosexual sex/engaging in homosexual activities (not homosexuality. Homosexual attraction is natural, and I don't think any religion would say that this attraction is forbidden. I don't know about other religions, but Islam and Christianity forbid gay sex, directly, and in islam, anything which may lead to a sin is forbidden, which means, gay kissing and stuff are also forbidden.) I'm gay :/