Religion in Britain...................?


New member
Oct 6, 2010
Being from England, the general disposition leans towards Atheism/Agnosticism, most have an apathetic feeling of ambiguity about an afterlife, many find religion repugnant and in its very nature full of fractious inexorable Dogma. My question is, im a bit apprehensive about the future, the government seem to have an unfair predilection towards the religious, both Christian and Muslim, why does the government put on so much of these affectations and try to absolve themselves away from 'Intolerance' against religious nonsense, why are they trying so hard, creating special rights, for people with an irrational belief? They should be treated the same as the rest of us, and this nonsense should be treated how it is, why isn't it, when the general public are not religious?
What's that saying?

Religion is regarded as being false for the smart, true for the dumb and useful for the rulers.

I'll look it up.

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful." - Seneca the Younger.

following Christ makes life experience better, in addition to it being the Way of God.

Why don't you look to your roots? Were your ancestors Christian? Were they onto something sensible?

Edit: Another question to ask yourself, was it better living in Britain before or after the Muslims came there? Could they be the problem? I think forcing Europeans to recognize Islam has made a lot of them atheists. That combined by the influence of Darwin's disciples caused this. That's my theory. I have no proof.
For Christain people, British people are some mean people. :-( [ No im not saying all British people are mean. ]
"Stupid is as stupid does" (Forrest Gump.)

England (UK) is nominally a Christian country but throughout the ages the English (British) have been totally accommodating to people of other faiths.

It does appear that in the desire not to appear discriminatory the UK government has gone overboard to the extent of almost destroying the indigenous beliefs, which have by and large always strayed towards the pagan.