Relief of fucking plugged sinuses...??


New member
Apr 21, 2008
Someone help. I have a plugged up nose.. Nothing bothers me more... Anyone have some good remedies to get rid of this shit?
hold your face over a pot of boiling water, not long enough to pass out, but it's supposed to clear sinuses
vick's vapo-rub

just put some on your chest when you go to bed. the smell clears the sinuses pretty damn well
A crayon.

Actually, try what Nick suggests. Nothing soothes better than than the vaporub. At least, according to the website.
Any type of nasal spray.

Vick's, Aferin, Equate, whatever. Within minutes I PROMISE it will COMPLETELY clear it up. People always doubt its short-term effectiveness, but are always quickly satisfied after the fact.
chew really minty gum (dentyne ice. the black pack)
and vicks.
i always have allergies this time of year. showers before bed help too (if you dont already take your showers then)
damn i gotta try that looks like it cleans that ol' bitch out real good.