Red Or Brown???????

first off HP is similar to A-1 nowhere near exact but its gets going on the right course. second last time I was in Scotland anyways bacon was not what americans call bacon. Over there the bacon is more like extremely salty ham. In america it is different (thinner strips of meat and fat generally cooked until the fat is at least slightly crisp) not sure the Hp would work the same way.

That being said on a blt I prefer Mayo, but on most things ketchup.
Are you sure your talking about gamon man? Bacon is in the UK is the same here, and I would think the same in America.

Get some HP Nordic and try it out, you'll like it.
Yep thoes look like bacon and HP. Speaking of which, I thikn its time for some bacon and HP.
If it's like A1 but different. How is it different? Sweeter, tangier, saltier, nastier, what? A1 would cover the taste of boot leather straight from the bottle, but used to make other sauces it's awesome.
I pulled out the bottle (I have 2 unopened ).

Here are the ingredients. Its the most popular thick sauce in the world.

Malt Vineger, Tomatoes, Molasses, sugar, dates, spirit vinegar, salt, modified starch, rye flour, tamarinds, soy sauce, spices, onion extract, water added.

Add them all together and you get the best sauce ever. Its perfect with any hot food, and good with cold. It even says on the bottle to add it to casseroles to add a rich flavour. I might even try that.

Got to HP.
I'm actually notorious for adding HP sauce at completely uncalled-for times to meaty stuff like Gravy, curries, cheese on toast, etc. The porridge experiment, however, was not a success.
Works best in onion gravy with sausages, I find.
On the subject of red sauce, the most useful thing about it is that the tomatoes used in it tend to be better, or at least more concentrated, than the tinned ones. I like to add a generous dollop to anything italian and tomatoey I do, to strengthen the rather bland canned tomatoes.
I used to like brown, but in HP the first two ingredients are Refined Sugar products and ketchup is much the same so I never touch them now.
KC I think most people take more than a teaspoon of ketchup or sauce, You will still be able to trigger a reaction wiith that amount. Either you are eating clean or you are not.
If eating clean means I cant have HP sauce, then sod that. I love HP on my bacon sarnie way too much.
What a mad thread.

I'm a tomato ketchup fan myself - I have it in spaghetti bolognaise (when I forget to buy tinnned tomatoes).

I simply hate HP!