Recent gay suicides whats going on in America?


May 19, 2008
Im from Europe just wondering why is their a dramatic rise in gay teen suicides over the pond? I mean why is America falling behind Europe when it comes to gay rights? Marriage and partnerships are legal in so many European countries, and the young guys here are all very pro gay these days, where as in America it seems to be going the other way?

Is religion taking over America? Are ye taking your 'values' too seriously or even your religion, considering all the gay uprisings there in the past, how has it suddenly gone off track?
Jasmine you are retarded, and your exactly whats wrong in America, enjoy the rest of your life, good luck
People are letting this slide by as more and more people kill themselves. It isn't just gay teens either. It's a wide varity of them! How irresponsable are the teachers that so many students have to resort to this?
shut it, eurotrash! just because your society is as loose as a gay man's gaping anus, it doesn't mean we need to follow suit. you europeans don't even bathe as much as you should that's why y'all smell like as.s like the fa.ggz here in the US!

Because US is the most diverse country in the world, meaning that we are the country who has most races

Those races, pile up in the US, they all have different beliefs, native people from US, learn them, it becomes a belief for them because they are all near that race, or belief

Sadly, that belief that has sticked to us, is a belief that hates homosexuality, this is horrible

I'm very glad that where you currently reside, there's little or no hate
This topic really effects me because I am gay and am always teased about it. I have even thought of suicide. The teasing and the harassment gets to people. It is really sad. Really all someone needs is to talk to someone, but usually nobody is there. I personally think that the U.S. needs to wake up and move forward. I mean I think that it is stupid about the "DADT" I mean almost European country lets gays serve and their military isn't falling apart. I mean come on.