Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

*I'm going to start using the PANTS formula to rate just because it is more thorough.

P-Don't know you(Or anyone) yet, but you seem funny 7/10
A-Very funny, I like the gif animation. 8/10
N-Period, not much to it but I guess not much else is needed =) 9/10
T-How contradictory. Everything must eventually stop, so why fear it? 8/10
S-Very funny, just like the avatar 9/10
It's a hollow mask but I guess you won't know that, so take it as a skull.


Avatar- 10/10 Freakin' awesome. Makes me laugh everytime I see it.
Siganture- 7/10 Nice quote.
not seen this thread for ages
av - 6/10 gotta squint to make it out
sig 10/10 pretty nifty sig pic indeed
Re: Hannibal - Imagine making an argument, then posting a citation of evidence that refutes your own argument!

Here the sig, bigger: