Raising money for my dog's surgery. Need help?


May 22, 2008
My dog, Pepper, has a cancer tumor on her left leg. I am $300 away from $2,000, which is how much her surgery will cost. No one will help me or my father. My father is out of work and I am looking for a job, but we need the money as soon as possible so her tumor doesn't get worse. I've contacted family and no one is interested in saving her. This is my last resort but I am desperate for this, I love my dog and I would do anything to help her get through this. She is a very happy and sweet dog and I want her around for much longer. She is a 6 year old German shepherd and Chow mix and about 140 lbs. Please don't overlook this. I would be eternally grateful if you donated ANYTHING, every cent counts and it all helps. Please visit the ChipIn page I've created: http://savepepper.chipin.com/dogs-leg-surgery Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this.