Rabbit feed for hunting them?


New member
Dec 11, 2008
what should i use for rabbits when im hunting them in a blind and waiting for them to get my food what food do u reccomend
if this thing is still on australian ??only // i thought yall were infested with them// like we were way back// we herded them in round ups by the thousands every body carried sticks and still couldnt make a dent in them,// if not wouldnt think still huntin would do much good//
This is not the way to hunt rabbits. They are usually abundant and scattered about the neighborhood. With a cover of snow on the ground, you will have no trouble finding where they are most abundant. Get out and walk them up....preferably with the aid of a good dog. The dog will enjoy it and so will you. You are wasting your time sitting in a blind waiting for a rabbit to come to you when they are already sitting in their own blind waiting for you to come to them. Good luck.
Rabbits cannot be lured to food with much success, unless you are luring them overnight to a trap. The more ground you cover by walking, the more rabbits you will kick up. A dog helps even more.
I have spent 25 years deer hunting, most of it in good rabbit country, and not once have I seen a rabbit while sitting in my tree stand. Just last Sunday, I was walking back to the truck from my tree stand and kicked up 4 rabbits in less than 1/4 mile of walking.
Although what you are talking about isn't the way to hunt rabbits, they do have quite the proclivity toward clover, if you can find a clover patch I suppose you could have success
Although what you are talking about isn't the way to hunt rabbits, they do have quite the proclivity toward clover, if you can find a clover patch I suppose you could have success
Although what you are talking about isn't the way to hunt rabbits, they do have quite the proclivity toward clover, if you can find a clover patch I suppose you could have success