
Who would you be in the War of Armageddon?

Your Results:

You're a mortal. If you're caught in the end days, you must be careful, for you will have a choice to make. You can join the forces of good or evil. To join the forces of evil means to be damned for all eternity... To join the forces of good means to be destroyed by the forces of The Antichrist, but it's the only way to save soul. You tend to teeter, leaning sometimes to good and sometimes to evil. You usually look out for yourself while things are happening around you. This probably won't work in end days, the battle will leave none untouched.
Hell's Forces
You'd be best suited to fight as a demon in hell's army or a human in the earthly forces of The Antichrist. You're just plain destructive and bad-natured. You like to destroy and you have no remorse for doing so. You're partly psychotic and that usually gets you into trouble. You defend evil whenever possible and you cannot stand those who fight for a noble cause. You are controlled by a greater and more powerful leader but you make a good pawn, a tool. Be wary, for you will soon meet your match.
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I don't think this is a good thing..........oh well...muahahahaah(evil laugh)
I am the AntiChrist. Oh yes.
I am an UNSPEAKABLE evil, bow down before me or be destroyed! Mwahahahaha!

The Antichrist
You'd be most fit for the role of The Antichrist in the War of Armageddon. You are the most vile of all human beings ever created. You possess supernatural powers not of this world, granted to you by satan himself. You are perhaps the most intelligent human, with a wit like a fox and the ability to manipulate yourself into or out of any situation. You will conquer the entire earth using manipulation and an iron fist. Mankind is merely a pawn to you, something to use and to abuse. You will lead the dark armies through hell's gates and onto earth to fight the last battle between good and evil.
You're a mortal. If you're caught in the end days, you must be careful, for you will have a choice to make. You can join the forces of good or evil. To join the forces of evil means to be damned for all eternity... To join the forces of good means to be destroyed by the forces of The Antichrist, but it's the only way to save soul. You tend to teeter, leaning sometimes to good and sometimes to evil. You usually look out for yourself while things are happening around you. This probably won't work in end days, the battle will leave none untouched.

Who wants to woo me? lol
The Archangel

You're the Archangel! You'd best fit the role of the Archangel during the Battle of Armageddon, the leader of heaven's army on earth. This says many things about you. You're the leader of all the angels, certainly the most powerful. You're very honest. You're not perfect but you're about as close as they come aside from The Father and Jesus. You fight for the forces of good but you certainly know your limits. There are a few you would not dare contend with...
KC: go watch Constantine.....see what really happens the archangel!

And Coug: You should know Im a double agent by now!
Take the quiz: What Kind Of Weapon Are you?

You're an axe. Pretty sick. You're used when people can't find anything else to destroy their enemies... Your acts are disturbing and vile. You're used to hack people limb from limb, quite literally. You probably enjoy it too. Reckless destruction and lots of blood. Sick.
I'm a nuke. I guess the guy who set the quiz up has been in the room when I've farted - WHOOOMPH!
Sword. Dang. It's cause I'm cool tempered. I was hoping to be a sniper rifle. Calm, intellegent, methodical, one shot, one kill.

You're the Archangel! You'd best fit the role of the Archangel during the Battle of Armageddon, the leader of heaven's army on earth. This says many things about you. You're the leader of all the angels, certainly the most powerful. You're very honest. You're not perfect but you're about as close as they come aside from The Father and Jesus. You fight for the forces of good but you certainly know your limits. There are a few you would not dare contend with...

Kick butt! This makes up for the sword.
the nuke and Heaven's Army
You'd be best fit to fight for Heaven's Army. You tend to be a do-gooder. But you're rigid in your beliefs and things that are ingrained in your head stay there. You're not easy to argue with because you don't sacrifice your beliefs easily, this can be either good or bad depending on what kind of situation you're in. You defend the good with an iron fist and a strong will. You do not back down, even if it means your own destruction. It's in your nature. You will directly battle the forces of evil in the last days, be ready.

Take the quiz: What Kind Of Weapon Are you?

You're a Knife. People use you when they don't have a gun on hand... Or if they're full of rage. You hurt, a lot. People love you and hate you. You're needed and used for things around the house and in the kitchen constantly. Your whole existence is a catch-22. People need you, yet they fear you. You tend to catch people off-guard. Little nicks or gaping stab wounds, you're not one people like to screw around with. Shame on you.
Take the quiz: Who would you be in the War of Armageddon?

Hell's Forces
You'd be best suited to fight as a demon in hell's army or a human in the earthly forces of The Antichrist. You're just plain destructive and bad-natured. You like to destroy and you have no remorse for doing so. You're partly psychotic and that usually gets you into trouble. You defend evil whenever possible and you cannot stand those who fight for a noble cause. You are controlled by a greater and more powerful leader but you make a good pawn, a tool. Be wary, for you will soon meet your match.