Quiz Time! Is this verse from the Bible or is it from the Quran?

Ooh, another gotcha question from a Liberal.

This is a Bible verse. And there is a reason for this, for which I'm you're not interested in nor would care to discuss.

"Here's a bible verse that's weird according to me!"
I thought sure it was from the Quran. Then I cheated and looked it up... you got me on this one...
Sounds like something from the old testament in the Bible. Of course since Mohamed freely used the Bible as a crib sheet when wrote the Quran it could also be from there.
Wherever it's from, it's another one of those senseless mickey mouse do's and dont's the old Testament is full of. What possible difference can it make if a woman covers her hair or not.
The bible. Women aren't required to cover their heads according to the Qur'an. It's more of a political statement than anything.

However, some do it "to be modest."

Here's another one:

"If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death."
So what? Women at the time who kept their heads uncovered were considered whores. It was talking about not looking like a whore if you say you're a Christian. Think of it this way, "Don't walk around with your boobs hanging out and making porn on the internet" would be the modern version of it now.


Agnostic preacher's kid. Go figure.

Oh. And it's 1 Corinthians 11. Check out Ezekiel 23:20. It's a winner.

Seriously. God. There's a reason why people in Politics are considered idiots in every other section of Yahoo.
The answer : That is proof positive that the " religious " texts were authored by man and not the Word of an all loving God .
Sounds like Bible.

If it was Quran they would force to cut the woman's head instead of her hairs.
Let me be PC and Islamic on this one??? Since it is written in filthy English, it is automatically NOT out of the Quran. It must therefore be an interpretation of the infidels book.

Since any attempt to translate the Quran misinterprets/corrupts it's purity of meaning. Only the original is pure.
Sounds like Dooteronomy to me, but usually we only hear the gay bashing stuff...
You being a liberal, you would never disrespect Islam or the Koran. Liberals tend to mock Jews and Christians and hate The Bible.

Answer is obvious, The Bible, because you are a left winger!
Bible. But really isn't it all just the nonsensical cultural bullsh*t from desert dwellers?

The whole continuum from Judaism to Islam is all equally absurd.