Question about smoking weed?


New member
May 19, 2009
also, i'm 15...not like 11 lol
i'm going to be smoking (for the first time) with my boyfriend and his friends tommorow and i just wanna make sure i don't look dumb =P
first off, is it lame if i hold it like a cigarette? it feels much more natural than holding it with my thumb and pointer like i see a lot of people
also, when i smoke, i suck in the blunt but then i noticably suck in air...hold it for like three seconds then exhale? Should i hold it in for more? And i've watched my friends while we smoke and they don't seem to noticably inhale. how can i get it in my lungs without a big gulp of air?
thanks in advance!

also...feel free to answer saying "don't smoke" or that im immature or whatever...your wasting your time not mine
All righty, then, I"ll just waste my time and tell you not to smoke, just for your sake.

Don't smoke.
smoking is bad for you

that's why i want to make songs for troubled teens

now now, put the weed down and listen to Megan Joy =)

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW caaaaaaw caw caw CAW god dammit CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!

just make sure u don't swallow it, u'll puke like the dickens and it feels like hell. u can hold it for as long as u want, and dont nigger lip it, so pucker ur lips. if u didn't already know that... and if u smoked a blunt before.. why dont u know how to smoke?
smoking is bad for you

that's why i want to make songs for troubled teens

now now, put the weed down and listen to Megan Joy =)

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW caaaaaaw caw caw CAW god dammit CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!

"feel free to answer saying "don't smoke" or that im immature or whatever...your wasting your time not mine"

lol I'm not gonna say that, but I did it once recently and it was so stupid omg... Im never doing it again. Oh, and nobody cares how old you are, so I don't get why you said that... =]
dont smoke please!

u dont have to listen to me. but smoking is really bad. some of my friends have already tried it and they hated it and i mean HATED it. i also want to say that my dear ol grandpa died from smoking because he got lung cancer :(( i was devastated. he could have lived much longer.please dont do it!!
I smoked weed your age for a long time.. then had convulsions from it ..and almost died..

avoid it.. it doesn't make you cool.
you plan ahead of time when you want to get high?
you might as well be 11 since you seem to think smoking will make you cool.
Do not hold it like a cig and it will be better when you inhale with a big gulp of air and hold it in as long as possible.
it doesn't matter how u hold it, as long as its comfortable just chill and have fun.. but it is fun to hold it for a couple seconds then exhale.. it does a cool pattern
smoking is NOT COOL. its RETARDED

end of conversation

17 year old male, who is very liberal and an artist, but believes that sobriety is the key to any success or happiness
it doesn't matter how u hold it, as long as its comfortable just chill and have fun.. but it is fun to hold it for a couple seconds then exhale.. it does a cool pattern