Question about oral cancer from dipping tobacco?


New member
Apr 19, 2010
I have a fairly simple question today.

I know that oral cancer from dipping tobacco can appear as these symptoms:

Red velvety patches

White rough patches

Red velvety patches with white in them

but my question is, can cancerous TUMORS manifest INSIDE your lip? (that is, beneath the surface of skin on both inside and outside of mouth)

Or is squamous carcinoma the only possible type of manifestation of oral cancer?

See, I admit to using dipping tobacco (snuff) for a few months, off and on, and yesterday I was feeling my lower lip (kind of pinching it) and I noticed about 4 or 5 little tiny bumps INSIDE my lower lip (beneath the surface on both sides.) They are painless and colorless (When I really push on the spots from the opposite side of the lip, they MAY be a very faint purple color, but that may be a vein as well. I dont know) and if i pinch with both fingers and run my fingers over the bumps, they'll kind of move around.

NOTE: Again, there are NO red, white, or red and white rough patches anywhere inside my mouth, especially not on my lips.

Someone said they could be sebaceous glands, is that true? Thanks so much in advance.

Oh, and I know you're probably only trying to help me, and I appreciate that very sincerely, but please don't tell me that I need to stop dipping. I KNOW I DO. I'm working on it, and making moves to quit the habit. I just need this questions answered right now. Thank you so much.