Question About Nutrition?


New member
Aug 25, 2009
So before I start I've been looking for an answer for the past two days and found nothing, I even read the stickies but am still confused. So I was hoping someone could give me a definite answer.

So here it is-

I read a post on myfitnesspal that your body doesn't care what portions of macros you consume, just as long ass if its under your total allowance.

Like if I'm allowed 160-Carbs 50-Fat 70-Protein my body doesnt care how much I consume of each as long as it's under 280. Is this true? So could I go over my protein but under my carbs, or vice versa? Hopefully I made this clear, any answer is appreciated, Thanks!
Unless you are a professional athlete, it doesn't make much difference. Everyone responds the macros slightly different. So what works for one person may or may not for another. That's partly why there are so many different diets out there. Also, on a daily basis your body doesn't need exactly the same ratios all the time.

Total calories is what makes the biggest difference. Since fat, carbs, and protein have different amounts of calories, it does matter how they add up. Try different things and find what works for you, but don't obsess over the numbers.

For me, I pay attention to fiber and protein. I try to keep my fiber over 25g and my protein around 50g.