question about my betta fish?


May 16, 2008
i've had my betta fish for around a year and a half..he was a gift and i know that sometimes when you find a betta fish from a pet store they may already be a few months old..
i just get worried about him sometimes because i love him so much <3
well, for maybe a few months i've noticed he sometimes just floats around near the bottom of his bowl, as if he is sleeping. when i lightly tap the bowl he awakes and moves around easily.
also, he sometimes will float in the same place at the surface of the water, not on his side or anything, but just floating. again, if i lightly tap the bowl he moves.
but he still eats well.
i just get worried sometime..if my fish is possibly starting to show signs of dying or sickness..
i use distilled, room temperature water and i change the water about every 1-2 weeks.
any help or advice is appreciated thank you <3 <3