Question about download/Internet speed in explorer,Torrent,Direct(Megaupload)?


Jun 9, 2008
So the internet explorer, Firefox loads a page at about 1-2 seconds. Torrent downloading program gives like 4mb download speed at max. but sometimes 800bytes, 18kb. lol (This would be different by seed numbers I guess) And Direct downloading from the web page (Official game patch files, free software etc) it used to be 200kb for some web and mostly about 18kb. Now the fast 200kb web is also 18kb. (maybe I got virus or something) Web like Megaupload, Rapidshare differs as if you're a member or not. Does that mean they are seeding the file or something ? What's making my internet speed extremely different ?
So if nobody tries to seed there is only about 18kb for me. Which mean with no support my real internet speed is only 18kb. Sucks.
It all depends on which of those places you're downloading from and your internet speed.

Megaupload has servers that host files and deliver them to you at a set speed.

Torrents share bits of files between many different users but the overall sharing speed depends on how many people are sharing at a given moment which can cause the 18kbps you mentioned.

Downloading a file through Internet Explorer is much the same as Megaupload as you'll be downloading from a server that only shares at a predetermined speed.