

May 12, 2008
Saw that other thread on greatest riddle, and thought, 'why not start a thread that has puzzles that other members try to answer?'


1) Someone sets a puzzle, other members try to solve it before a new puzzle is set.

2) Person who solves puzzle can set one themselves or open it for others to set.

3) Answers are to be explained by solver, and agreed upon by setter.

4) Puzzles can take any form - (maths, word riddles, anagrams, cryptic, etc)

5) Puzzle has a three day limit before poster has to put answer down; they can then set other puzzle, or leave it open to forum.

Ill start it off; put your answers and comments on rules, and lets see where it goes...

Heres the first, easy peasy; (Richierich, you should get this...)

'A birds arm and some of the match underneath helps a nun defend herself.' (4-4)
Thats the whole point, its a cryptic puzzle - which can be an anagram, (knip is an anagram of pink, normally action words denote these, ie breaking, moving, somehow, changing, etc)
a charade, (a funny phrase that actually means a word, eg 'daily report' could be 'newspaper'),
a homophone (I think!) (A word that sounds like something else, clue would be 'Scale measure sounds like what you do in a queue - WEIGHT),
and others where you might have part of the word in a couple of words, (eg Farm animal is new easter, answer would be new easter)

And sometimes they are a combination of them! Mines a combination...
Methinks that our Cossack friend is Ukranian. English would not therefore be his first language.

I knew the answer, but could not think of another puzzle.

How's about:

Kung Fu from eastern european country.
AHEM!! The rules guys! Gotta explain how you got wing chun, (although it is very easy!)

We'll go on to Vampyre Rats then...

is it a cryptic, or plain question? Cos if its the latter, then it has to be Sombo, being an eastern european country. C'est vrai?
'A birds arm (wing) and some of the match underneath helps a nun defend herself.' (4-4)

your answer was incorrect wcrevdonner. I'll add the word count thingy:

Kung Fu from eastern european country (4-3)

edit: damnit need to modify the clue! damn my ability to splel!!

Suspended Kung Fu extracts itself from the garbage (4-3)

try that. same answer.

hung gar

suspended = hung, gar is in garbage


hung gar is a martial art, right?
That's what I was after! congrats.

how's about trying to make one yourself?

It's harder than you might think.
OK guys - I'm with you

The hat is usually flat, and the bullet is probably for a kids gun - CAP

No translation needed to say that the end of it is - IRA

and a little knowledge of Kosh lets you link with the OE from gOEs giving:


I'm at work, so can't come up with the next - open to offers. (I promise, I'll give one later in the thread )
Hey - I'm back and no-one took my place

They have been a bit easy so far - so lets see what you make of:

Plough on (astronomically speaking) to worship at a males totally idiotic suggestion.
If we're doing cryptics, you need the definition.

Vampyre rat, you could have said, 'Eastern european country loses the finish and becomes a martial art.'

Jang Bong, do we not get any clue to the number of letters in the word?
NO!!! no narrowing! we got three days to do it; I hate being given clues...send clues by pm if you want!! (sorry, competitive mode engaged - I HAVE TO BEAT EVERYONE!!!)
Sorry - that's what I get for trying to do things in a hurry. (Client came up with a disk that she had lost her CV from. Careful prompting worked out that she definitely saved it in 'My Documents' so it should be on the floppy )

Plough on (astronomically speaking) to worship at a males totally idiotic suggestion. [5-4-7-6]

seven star praying mantis

plough = constelation with 7 stars (i guess)
worship = pray
male = man (not sure how you get mantis from man though)
You're there. There is a form (maybe a series) in Tang Soo Do called Chul Sung Ee Ru (sp) - and my book says it is based on 'The seven stars of of the constelation', so that was my starting point.

I could have made the last word even easier by writing it as

...............a males "Totally Idiotic Suggestion". Man T.I.S.

but I thought there was enough there anyway.

Your turn