Ps3 as a blue ray player? ?


New member
Aug 20, 2011
My dad and i have been talking about getting a new tv, possibly a 3d tv. Instead of buying a blue ray player, i was just thinking of getting a ps3. It can play 3d movies also which makes it even better. And with the ps3 price cut, the ps3 is now only about 100 bucks more than the average 3d blue ray player. I do want the ps3 by the way because i want a new console. Is it worth getting the ps3 for 100 bucks more?
One of the latest updates allows the PS3 to run both 3D Blu-ray games and 3D blu-ray films
Which makes it more than worth the cash

It does more than just play games, Blu-ray and DVDs

In the UK we get Love film as an extra
as well as BBC Iplayer, ITVPlayer 4on demand

There are lots of other features too
I say yes. It is worth it. I love my ps3 and the fact that it can play both 3d movies and 3d games amazes me. I would spend the extra $100 if I were you. You won't regret it!