Proven Weight Loss Supplements


New member
Aug 14, 2009
Losing weight can dramatically improve your emotional and physical health, but it can be a slow process. So it’s no wonder that 15% of American adults use diet supplements to boost weight loss, opting for a range of products that claim to decrease appetite, block fat absorption, or increase metabolism.

Currently, most weight loss experts do not recommend many products marketed as weight loss supplements because of a lack of evidence. Also certain diet supplements, including ephedra, may cause heart attack and stroke.

However, there are some proven weight loss supplements available. Which weight loss supplements may be safe and helpful during a diet? Here’s a rundown on six products you can buy at most health food or drugstores that have some weight loss evidence behind them:

* Calcium
* Fiber
* Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
* Green tea extract
* Meal replacements
* Orlistat, an over-the-counter weight loss drug

Remember, of course, that you should always check with your doctor before taking any type of supplement. Even supplements can have side effects and may interfere with medications you take. And, when it comes to weight loss, there are no quick fixes. A healthy eating plan and regular physical exercise should be the foundation of any weight loss program.