Pretty in pink 80s movie question?


May 13, 2008
Did Steff, blaines bestfriend, used to like andie? I remember at the beginning of the movie when he was up against her car and he said "andie i've liked you for 4 years".... and at the end, when she gets to prom, blaine tells steff that he's just mad because andie was right about him. So did/does he like andie? Lol im watching it now amd REALLLYYYY WANNA KNOW!
He's definitely the player type and most girls would stand in line to be with him, but Andie wouldn't so he really wanted to be with her. He may have just said "I've liked you for 4 years" to try and sweet talk her, but he really just wanted her because she was basically the only girl he couldn't get, so he desired her more, but she knew he was a pig and a player. That's why he didn't like her the whole time Blaine was with her, but yeah, I think he was attracted to her, wanted to do stuff with her, then dump her because that's the kind of guy he is, but Andie knew better :)