Presidential comparison Pres.- elect Obama and Abraham Lincoln.?


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Has anybody noticed a comparison between Pres.- elect Obama
and Abraham Lincoln? Obama will be sworn in on the very same Holy Bible that Lincoln sworn in on.
That bible has not been used since Lincoln used it last.
Pres.- elect Obama will be taking the trip to Washington, D. C. by rail.
That's all cool and nothing of importance. But, I hope Pres.- elect does
stay away from Ford's Theatre. Lincoln was good at speaking so is
Pres.- elect Obama. I just can't help notice the similarities of the two.
I just hope it's merely coincidence.
I find it very ironic.

Lincoln may have freed the slaves but his intention was to repatriate the slaves to Africa.

Abraham Lincoln said: "I am not, nor ever have been in favour of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races ... there is a physical difference ... which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And in as much as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I ... am in favour of having the superior position assigned to the white."
President-Elect Obama is no Abraham Lincoln. And My God Give Me a BreaK It is all PROPS. If this is not merely for the media attention, then why even put it out there and why even bother?
looool. there is no comparison between lincoln, one of the greatest presidents, and obama, who is going to be the worst!

lincoln: frees the slaves
obama: enslaves us
Obama admires Lincoln and purposely chose that same Bible for the historical significance of it. He also purposely took the Philadelphia to D.C. trip because of Lincoln it retracts the train ride that Lincoln took.
Wait until you compare their records after he's out of office.

Lincoln will have kicked his butt all over this country of ours multiple times.

It's no REAL comparison.
Yes!! I noticed that too!!
For example: Honest Abe on one side - Dishonest babe on the other!
or let's try this: humble Lincoln, proud Obama!
Freed the slaves - enslaves the free!
Humble & hardworking Abe, - Proud, present voting attention seeking mule!
Any changes Lincoln made? Hmm sure!
Any change with Obama? Yup! you'll be lucky if you could hold on to your pocket change! People, save some 'change' to buy Kleenex! You're going to need it! We're all gonna cry after Bush!

Hmm, what else? - oh! he'll be taking the rail to D.C. - wow! with enhanced security that is!

Are you gonna ride with him? I didn't think so!
Similarities? Yeah! More like Lincoln's evil twin, I tell you!
I could go on and on... but there's too much History, I wouldn't want to bore people out of their comfort zone...