Premonition of a loved one dying?


New member
Aug 3, 2008
Last night, something happened to me that I've never experienced before. I felt a very terrifying feeling that something was going to happened to a loved one but I didn't know who it was. A minute or so after I felt as if something DID happen and all I could think about was my grandma. I suddenly heard her calling my name (in my head) and felt this really terrifying feeling that something had happened to her. I was going to tell my mom but thought there's no point in telling her so late (11pm) about what I had just felt so I told myself 'if what I'm thinking is actually true, then we'll find out tomorrow.'
This morning, when I came back from school I saw this letter on my door and it was for my mom, reading to call our home country urgently. When my mom called, my 'premonition' was true... My grandma had died last night (minutes before I felt that).
I know this is suppose to be a question, but I wanted to share this with everyone and if this has happened to you, I'd like to know your story!
ps: I'm not a crazy person and this is the first time it's ever happened to me.