pregnant women, look away now!

So was I and my brother, however there is still a difference between LGA and a baby over 20lbs. And that is where an underlying pathology steps in.
Yeah Wry I can agree... a baby over 20lbs is not really all that normal. But strangely enough here in Asia... there is quite a tidy little industry in having C-sections for even those who don't need them... for three reasons:

1) So doctors can gain cash revenue from the operation

2) So doctors can gain experience

3) So the expecting mother can have her child on an auspicious day as divined by Chinese religious customs
Tsk, those crazy Chinese. Next they'll be disgarding babies who appear sickly and probably won't become warriors, fending off the Persian hordes.

This - is - CHINA!!!!
Cesaerians are remarkably common in the US, too. It's more convenient, I guess, to schedule the baby's birth in. Not only that, the medical schools seem to train that it's safer. Like major surgery is safer than having a baby? I don't get it. I mean, yeah, if there's something wrong its a miracle of modern technology. But for routine births? I don't get it.
Yeah what I find so strange is that many, many people I know were actually born at home. Homes that had no electricity, no running hot water and several of them with dirt floors. The women carried on active lives right up until the day of birth... many of them working right up to the hours before birth.

The mother of my missus - gave birth to most of her children including my missus entirely by herself!! No doctor... no hospital room... just some clean towels and some thermoses of boiled water.

Call me crazy... but I don't think it's something most men could ever handle by themselves. On more levels than one.
Very true, Slips.

Most of the c/s and inductions around here are based upon convience (mother's schedual) or when school starts. And you recover from birth much faster then you recover from a c/s. Which makes sense after you see one. The pull the uterus out of the mother, open it up, yank the baby and the placenta out (which is quite an endevor), and then almost literally punch the uterus back into place. Lots of internal bruising.
Not to mention all the drugs they have to pump the mama full of. And not being able to pick the baby up for days afterward while you recover.

Okay. I'm not a neutral party. Both my kids were born at home (and did have midwives and covered floors ). And while hard work and miraculous and all that, it was not a super human feat. Merely an everyday human feat.
Having been present at the birth of both of my children and seeing what my wife went through for a normal birth, I think that jsut giving birth is absolutely amazing and women are just so awesome for being able to do it, and some how, none of the mothers I know seem to remember the absolute agony they were in pushing that bowling ball of a baby's head out!!!!! Go figure!!!

And thanks Wry! your desciption of a C/S has put me right off my tea.

Phew! What you women go through. Thank goodness I am a bloke and don't have to worry about any of that stuff!!
Actually, the drugs used are usually just the epidural so that's the same as most births unless it is an emergency c/s.

I wonder if there would be fewer elective c/s if they showed the prospective mamas what exactly is done during the procedure.
the pathology is in whatever led her to have another child after producing 125bs worth of baby.
That ignores the elective cesareans done for the doctor's convenience due to upcoming vacations.

And elective or not, the increasing rate of induced labors contributes to the rising rate of cesareans.

Anyway, this whole issue is the main reason I am looking for a new OB/Gyn.

There is a special Russian term, I forget exactly what it is, for women who bear ten children. Something along the lines of "supermom", but not exactly that. IIRC, this is like her 11th or 12th.

Don't forget that in rural areas, more children means more low-cost help around the farm. My grandmother was the youngest of 12 children, and my mother one of 8.
I just try VERY hard to not speak, and let my gorgeous, Adonis looks get me the action.
Oh, and K_E-

This semester is OB rotation. Have you actually ever watched one? Right. I have.