

New member
Apr 11, 2008
I've looked all over the intaweb for some muay thai/buakaw/k1 posters for my rec room like this




because that woud be totally boss to have those!

but ive looked all over the i was wondering if ANYONE knew where i could get my hands on them or anything like them??
You most likely can not get your hands on them sadly.

Over the years I've seen some amazing fight promo stuff coming out of Japan... much of it gets posted on the K-1 fans website. But much of this stuff never is actually printed on a 4/C poster that consumers can get their hands on. If it's done for the big shows they do limited runs on banner/inkjet printing and much of that stuff never filters down to the fans. You might be able to find some in a Japanese website... but as you know the Japanese sites are notorious for not having any English, being hard to navigate and not responding to e-mails written in English.

I suspect overall if... and it's a big if... you can find them... it will be from a Japanese source and rather expensive. If you print them out from the internet files they will be

Don't mean to sound pessimistic because yes... they look killer... some of the fight promo stuff in Japan rocks. So progressive by comparison to the cheezy layouts and crap graphics that get produced in the west.
Well i could do what Martial Dad said...but wouldnt that distort color?
i may have to deal with color distortion if i cant find em....
Thats a pretty sweet poster too..
never seen Ong bak it any good? i saw bits and pieces...not a huge tony jaa fan, but sweet poster nonetheless
im depressed now lol
i was lookin forward to deckin out my room with a whole bunch of buakaw posters lol my walls are so bland lol...
looks like im off to tokyo's subways
Try this instead
ok one more thing and then im done with the whole poster ordeal

the pictures on the internet... i want to be able to make them into my own poster like by going to kinkos or staples or walmart or something
thing is i have heard about resolution and stufff....and that it would probably come out blurry...i want the posters too be about 20x30 (around that size)
how do i make the pictures from the internet a good resolution so i can blow them up???
pleassssse help this would be the only way i could get them ive looked ALL over the internet for the original posters and no go. unless somebody can supply me with a better way