Possible GNC promotion opportunity. Do you think they are planning to make me


New member
Nov 12, 2011
Manager? Hi hank you for taking the time to answer my question.

I was recently hired at General Nutrition Center. I have been a part time sales associate for 6 weeks. Not long after being hired, the manager put in her notice to resign. She immediately that I was a great employee. I have a great deal of product knowledge and sales experience. She said I that I am perfect for this GNC. She then told me that she was very impressed with the way I conduct myself and that I have amazing product knowledge. SHe then told me I had more potential to succeed at GNC than her employees that have been with GNC for years.

I also met with my district manager. He was also very impressed with me. He had things to say that were very similar to what my store manager said. My store manager also told him that I had previous sales experience, and that I was a sales manager at my last place of employment. He seemed interested in that fact. So before my boss quit she told me that its highly likely that I could be her replacement. I said "Well I have only been here a month." She then said its possible that my district manager would just have me trained to manage. She said there is a guy that will be coming to just manage the store, but he will only be doing it temporarily. I had to go to another store to purchase a product didn't care in my store. I talked with the associate at the other store and told him which location I worked at. He said that he is supposed to be filling in there temporarily. I was unaware that my boss was leaving at the time. He said he has heard of me before from my district manager. He then I asked me "You're the one who is interested in becoming management right?" I said Yes. I told my district manager, that I was a manager at my last job. After I said that, the associate acted as if he knew something that I did not have any knowledge of. Then he asked "How long have you been with GNC?" I told him 4 weeks. Then he looked shocked. We spoke a little bit about products, then he asked me again how long Id worked there. Told him again. and he said "Ok and you do want to be a manager right? Because I am supposed to fill just for about a month, till they find a new manager at your store." Then he didn't say much else.

Then one day my district manager showed up. He then showed me various things that managers do. He said "If you want to be the manager, these are the types of things that you will need to do every month." Then as we were working and doing normal tasks, he kept saying things like "When you become management this happens." "As a manager you will deal with things like." And so on.

Now the associate that is supposed to be "filling in" has started. He keeps showing me new things here and there. Also he has been asking me to work at other stores to cover for people that have days off. He keeps saying if you want to be manager references as well. Is he training me for management? Im confused because I asked him if he is going to be here permanently. He said "Yeah that's the plan". But he also seemed like he was not being honest and that he was hiding something.

Now the other part time associate is pretty much acting as if I am the boss. Instead of calling the associate who is filling in, he calls me for questions about the store. He even asked me if when Im the manager can I make sure he is only scheduled between certain hours, because he has football and hockey. So does he know something I do not?

Whats your take on the situation? And I know you can't say for sure, because you have the same info I do, but just give me your opinion.

What do you suppose is going on here? I obviously can see that I MAY be considered. Are they testing me first? Are they going to make me manager and someone just forgot to tell me straight out?

Do you think Ill get the job? This confusion is driving me insane. Im watching every move I make and putting my bet foot forward. Giving my all and its stressing me out. I just wish they would give me the damn job already.