Pooping Bricks?

You can thank Mr.Plaxco for this one.
I was looking for the mind**** in that picture, then I looked down because i got a text, I looked back up and it was pancake face.

So, I was like...

dont see the bathtub one or the table one. edit ( the face in the window?)

see the baby and the mustache
I didn't get the 3rd one but did with the rest. I lol'd

Edit: God of War- Look into the windows for each one.
For the bathtub look in the window in the background. And for the one with a tree, look in the space between the rocks and tree. It looks like a fetus laying on its back.
are you shitting me i did not see that fucker. i thought it was like all the fat chicks on one side and all the skinny girls on the other. wowoow thats the best one right now.
1. The mustache.
2. Look at left side of window.
3. The trees make the illusion of a fetus on its back.
4. Look in between the hands that are making bunny ears.
5. Look at right window.